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A Typical Day

In the Classroom


Your child will have several opportunities throughout the day to play in centers that include dramatic play, dress-up, kitchen and housekeeping, building blocks, cars and trucks, and other exciting toys.

Circle Time

During Circle Time with his or her teacher, your child will be introduced to shapes, colors, letters, numbers, days of the week, and months of the year. Children also have a chance to share about their families, feelings, ideas, and more!

Story Time

During story time, we share our love of books with your child. We read stories every day about a variety of topics.

Art Time

During art time, your child will put his or her creativity and fine motor skills to use while we color, paint, form, and create!

Enrichment Activities

Your child will participate in special projects with our Enrichment teacher, including: Cooking, Yoga, Music, Gardening, Special Art Projects, Movement, and more! 

Out of the Classroom

Outdoor Activities

Your child will have the opportunity to explore outdoors as much as possible during recess on our playground and enrichment activities in our forest area.


Lunch is an awesome time for your child to socialize! It is your job to provide your child's lunch and drink each day. Our staff will help your child learn to open his or her lunch items and clear the area after eating.


Your child will attend chapel on Wednesdays, where he or she will pray, sing, dance, and learn Bible stories with our King of Kings Pastor and DCEs. 

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